Yesterday it is predicted that all MCX Commodity Market products were closed at negative prices. But now all are trading at positive prices. MCX Gold is trading above Rs. 28,900 and MCX Silver is trading near at Rs. 55,700. Also MCX Copper is trading at higher prices today, it is trading above the level of Rs. 400. Our Commodity Tips and MCX Tips expertise assumes that MCX Gold, Silver, Copper, Crude all are trading at higher price today and all base metals are trading flat.
The downtrend realized in Copper has vanished away due to weakening dollar. LME copper has reached up to $8000 per ton.. On MCX, aluminum, nickel, lead and zinc are trading with a rise of more than half per cent. On domestic market also Copper with nearly 1.20% rise, is trading around 409.50. Other Metals are also gaining
Copper can buy at above 409.50 for TG- 412.50 Stop loss below 406.
The downtrend realized in Copper has vanished away due to weakening dollar. LME copper has reached up to $8000 per ton.. On MCX, aluminum, nickel, lead and zinc are trading with a rise of more than half per cent. On domestic market also Copper with nearly 1.20% rise, is trading around 409.50. Other Metals are also gaining
Copper can buy at above 409.50 for TG- 412.50 Stop loss below 406.