MCX GOLD June contract was trading at Rs 28548.00 up Rs 19.20, or 0.07%. And touches an intraday high of Rs 28515.00 and an intraday low of Rs 28458.00. So far 8496 contracts have been traded.
MCX GOLD August contract was trading at Rs 28854.00 up Rs 18.00, or 0.07% and touches an intraday high of Rs 28808.00 and an intraday low of Rs 28785.00. So far 192 contracts have been traded.
MCX GOLD August contract was trading at Rs 28854.00 up Rs 18.00, or 0.07% and touches an intraday high of Rs 28808.00 and an intraday low of Rs 28785.00. So far 192 contracts have been traded.