MCX Silver May contract opened higher hitting a high of Rs 56989, but has moved down ever since and is currently trading at Rs 56780, down 0.10% and COMEX silver contracts are also trading down.
Silver markets predicts have cooled off and there shortage of any interest for investing in silver. And this absence of any major fundamental news might turn investors to look for technical opportunities. Our Experts has recommended a buy signal on Silver for intraday trade on Monday
MCX silver May support Rs 55858/Rs 56320 , resistance Rs 57360/Rs 57989
Silver markets predicts have cooled off and there shortage of any interest for investing in silver. And this absence of any major fundamental news might turn investors to look for technical opportunities. Our Experts has recommended a buy signal on Silver for intraday trade on Monday
MCX silver May support Rs 55858/Rs 56320 , resistance Rs 57360/Rs 57989