MCX SILVER May contract was trading at Rs 57015.00 down Rs 137.00, or 0.20%. It reached an intraday high of Rs 57182.00 and an intraday low of Rs 57030.00. So far 9209 contracts have been traded.
MCX SILVER July contract was trading at Rs 59167.00 down Rs 141.00, or 0.23%. It reached an intraday high of Rs 58650.00 and an intraday low of Rs 59587.00. So far 240 contracts have been traded.
MCX SILVER July contract was trading at Rs 59167.00 down Rs 141.00, or 0.23%. It reached an intraday high of Rs 58650.00 and an intraday low of Rs 59587.00. So far 240 contracts have been traded.