The Gold prices may target Rs 30,000 in the coming week due to Indian demand boosted from the occasion Akshaya Tritiya and as such it would be a good idea to buy gold before the auspicious day according to our "MCX Tips" Experts.
Akshaya Tritiya Demand
Akshaya Tritiya is on April 24 expected to boost the Indian physical demand. As in India many gold dealers are protesting over the recent hike in gold import duties as physical gold demand "remains low. Recently Indian government has doubled the import duty of gold. But it is expected that demand will pick up in near term as the Akshaya Tritiya festival will be celebrated in late April and it is second-biggest festival for buying gold.
Akshaya Tritiya Demand
Akshaya Tritiya is on April 24 expected to boost the Indian physical demand. As in India many gold dealers are protesting over the recent hike in gold import duties as physical gold demand "remains low. Recently Indian government has doubled the import duty of gold. But it is expected that demand will pick up in near term as the Akshaya Tritiya festival will be celebrated in late April and it is second-biggest festival for buying gold.