MCX SILVER February contract was trading at Rs 56236.00 down Rs 252.00, or 0.47% and it touches intraday high of Rs 56748.00 and an intraday low of Rs 55161.00. Thus 41681 contracts have been traded.
MCX SILVER April contract was trading at Rs 56468.10 down Rs 229.00, or 0.40 and touched an intraday high of Rs 57935.10 and an intraday low of Rs 56361.00. So far 2662 contracts have been traded.
MCX SILVER April contract was trading at Rs 56468.10 down Rs 229.00, or 0.40 and touched an intraday high of Rs 57935.10 and an intraday low of Rs 56361.00. So far 2662 contracts have been traded.