MCX GOLD April contract was trading at Rs 28775.00 down Rs 151.00, or 0.61% and touches an intraday high of Rs 28082.00 and an intraday low of Rs 28158.00. So far 9899 contracts have been traded.
MCX GOLD June contract was trading at Rs 27412.00 down Rs 161.00, or 0.63%. Touches an intraday high of Rs 29477.00 and an intraday low of Rs 28415.00. So far 283 contracts have been traded.
MCX GOLD August contract was trading at Rs 29769.00 down Rs 125.00, or 0.46%. It touched an intraday high of Rs 28710.00 and an intraday low of Rs 29543.00. So far 12 contracts have been traded
MCX GOLD June contract was trading at Rs 27412.00 down Rs 161.00, or 0.63%. Touches an intraday high of Rs 29477.00 and an intraday low of Rs 28415.00. So far 283 contracts have been traded.
MCX GOLD August contract was trading at Rs 29769.00 down Rs 125.00, or 0.46%. It touched an intraday high of Rs 28710.00 and an intraday low of Rs 29543.00. So far 12 contracts have been traded
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