In India MCX gold traded just a tad above the keenly-watched Rs 30,000 mark on Wednesday, with intraders unwilling to get stuck with high priced inventory in a seasonally slack demand period in market. More Information about MCX gold price visit my site
* At 0942 GMT, the most-active MCX gold for August delivery on the Multi Commodity Exchange (MCX Gold) was 0.16% higher at Rs 30,014 per 10 grams. The contract had struck a record of Rs 30,296 on June 7.
* "Demand is zero as Gold prices are higher," said Haresh Acharya, head of bullion desk, Parker Bullion.
* MCX Gold demand in India Market is likely to remain sluggish in the coming months due to a lack of weddings and festivals during the monsoon.
* In the overseas india market, MCX gold rose a tad due to a weaker dollar. Investors will be eyeing the weekend Greek election and next week's FOMC meeting for direction in Gold prices.
* MCX Silver futures also traded flat.
* MCX Silver for July delivery on the MCX was 0.09% higher at Rs 55,126 per kg.
* At 0942 GMT, the most-active MCX gold for August delivery on the Multi Commodity Exchange (MCX Gold) was 0.16% higher at Rs 30,014 per 10 grams. The contract had struck a record of Rs 30,296 on June 7.
* "Demand is zero as Gold prices are higher," said Haresh Acharya, head of bullion desk, Parker Bullion.
* MCX Gold demand in India Market is likely to remain sluggish in the coming months due to a lack of weddings and festivals during the monsoon.
* In the overseas india market, MCX gold rose a tad due to a weaker dollar. Investors will be eyeing the weekend Greek election and next week's FOMC meeting for direction in Gold prices.
* MCX Silver futures also traded flat.
* MCX Silver for July delivery on the MCX was 0.09% higher at Rs 55,126 per kg.
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