Naveen Mathur of Angel Broking recommends buying nickel at Rs 930-936 with a stop loss at Rs 918. "We are expecting targets in the range of Rs 952-956 for the day," he said. Ashish Shah, Sushil Global Commodities expects copper to trade in the range of Rs 408 to Rs 408.50 on the lower side to about Rs 415-418 on the higher side for the week. "We believe Rs 408 should now be a strong support for atleast a day or two," he said. More information about MCX Tips visit my site
He suggest traders to go long on this commodity with stop loss below Rs 406 for a target price of Rs 416 to Rs 418 on intraday as well as slightly positional basis.
Meanwhile, Shreekant Jha, managing director, PJ Commodity Ventures said, "Yesterday crude prices saw a correction to the upside as anticipated and it came close to the 4,800 level that we were thinnking of shorting it at and it gave an opportunity for entry at that point. Having shorted it at Rs 4800, we now at Rs 4500 or thereabouts. It was last trading at around Rs 4652 or so and it is already halfway there, so 4,500 or 4,550 are the levels at which you can actually book your profits."
N Prasad, chief exceutive officer, Safetrade Advisors recommends buying present MCX gold contract at around Rs 29,652 with a stop loss of Rs 29,500 for a target of Rs 29,852 to Rs 29,900.
He suggest traders to go long on this commodity with stop loss below Rs 406 for a target price of Rs 416 to Rs 418 on intraday as well as slightly positional basis.
Meanwhile, Shreekant Jha, managing director, PJ Commodity Ventures said, "Yesterday crude prices saw a correction to the upside as anticipated and it came close to the 4,800 level that we were thinnking of shorting it at and it gave an opportunity for entry at that point. Having shorted it at Rs 4800, we now at Rs 4500 or thereabouts. It was last trading at around Rs 4652 or so and it is already halfway there, so 4,500 or 4,550 are the levels at which you can actually book your profits."
N Prasad, chief exceutive officer, Safetrade Advisors recommends buying present MCX gold contract at around Rs 29,652 with a stop loss of Rs 29,500 for a target of Rs 29,852 to Rs 29,900.
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