Today, MCX gold prices rose in major cities in India. In Jaipur stock market, Standard mcx gold (995 purity) was up Rs 225 at Rs 30525 and pure mcx gold (999 purity) was up Rs 225 at Rs 30550. More Information about mcx gold price visit my site
In Mumbai stock market standard mcx gold (995 purity) was up Rs 210 at Rs 30600 and pure mcx gold (999 purity) was up Rs 200 at Rs 30740.
Spot MCX Gold price for 10 grams in major problem in India:
In Mumbai stock market standard mcx gold (995 purity) was up Rs 210 at Rs 30600 and pure mcx gold (999 purity) was up Rs 200 at Rs 30740.
Spot MCX Gold price for 10 grams in major problem in India:
City | Gold 995 (Rs) | Change (Rs) | Gold 999 (Rs) | Change (Rs) |
Mumbai (Aug 22) | 30600 | 210 | 30740 | 200 |
Delhi (Aug 22) | 30545 | 225 | 30745 | 225 |
Chennai (Aug 22) | 30550 | 120 | 30750 | 200 |
Jaipur (Aug 22) | 30525 | 225 | 30550 | 225 |
Ahmd (Aug 22) | 30655 | 255 | 30780 | 255 |
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